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We are very pleased to be included in this years short-list. In fact it is overall a pretty nice feeling to be recogonzed by those who have come before us. I thought it was particularly cool to get a letter today from Tony Gibson the CEO of Ports of Auckland.

The letter goes as follows
Dear Francis,
My heartiest congratulations on being selected a finalist in the Ports of Auckland Excellence in Exporting Award category of the Westpac Auckland Central/South/North Business Awards. As an Auckland business, sponsoring the award is our way of supporting businesses in the region and we have been pleased to see the high calibre of the entries in this category. Being a finalist in a tough contest is definitely an achievement and you, your team and your organisation must be proud.
On behalf of Ports of Auckland, I wish you the very best in the rest of the awards process and the future.
Yours sincerely
Tony Gibson
Chief Executive Officer
